The Washington Times: What a Real Commitment to America Looks Like 2022Bob DriscollOctober 1, 2022Kevin McCarthy, GOP, Campaigns & Elections
The Washington Times: Biden’s immigration body count mounts 2022Bob DriscollSeptember 23, 2022Biden, Immigration
The Washington Times: Masking now a symbol of COVID-19 pandemic’s mental health toll 2022Bob DriscollSeptember 10, 2022Coronavirus, COVID, Mask, Fauci
The Washington Times: Liz Cheney’s Trump trap 2022Bob DriscollAugust 19, 2022Liz Cheney, Donald J. Trump, Campaigns & Elections
The Daily Caller: In The Swamp Everyone Finds A Way To Win 2022Bob DriscollAugust 12, 2022Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Spending, Inflation Reduction Act
Newsmax: Timing of Trump Raid Proves It Was a Political Hit 2022Bob DriscollAugust 10, 2022Trump, Biden, Pelosi, FBI, Department of Justice
The Washington Times: Lessons for America on George Jetson’s birthday 2022Bob DriscollAugust 6, 2022Technology, TEEN
The Washington Times: Who’s afraid of Donald Trump? 2022Bob DriscollJuly 29, 2022Donald J. Trump, Joe Biden